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Tools to Master Your Life Using
Quantum Level Reprogramming
Activations, Clearings, Meditations and More!

Start Here

Quantum Level Reprogramming &

SCREEN Viewing Procedure


What is Quantum Level Reprogramming and how you receive it.

Screen viewing procedure

listen to this only after you have watched the video above explaining Quantum Level Reprogramming

Daily Morning Practice


Use this powerful clearing and meditation daily to consciously create your reality, set the tone for your interactions and attract situations that support your goals and desires.

Sleep Clearing & Activation


Use this effective sleep clearing and meditation to clear energy from you day, relax the mind and body and activate the SVH Sleep Regeneration Processes.

Abundance Code Activation - Training

Step #1:

This is a longer training you really only need to do once (though of course you can repeat as often as you desire).

After receiving this training, utilize the DAILY Abundance Code Activation (below) and watch  your reality shift day by day!

Abundance Code DAILY Activation

Step #2:

8 minutes a day is all you need to use the Quantum Level Reprograming tools to shift your reality and activate your abundance code!​

Fear Clearing


New Clients: FEAR Clearing - Set yourself up for success by clearing any underpinnings of fear, sabotage and self doubt.  

Set Yourself Up For SUCCESS!


Clear the deep seeded patterns of old sabotage patterns, overwhelm and fear of failing. Set yourself up to succeed by accessing your ability to set goals and intentions and create your reality from a platform of unlimited potential...NOT from the limits of what our past experiences stipulate.



Use this SVH trigger process to gain clarity in a moment. Any time you need clarity around a decision or circumstance, this powerful tool will assist you.

Fear Clearing -
Success NOW -
Clarity -

If Hunger Hits...


Use this clearing and trigger processes to find the gift in opportunity to uncover unconscious blocks and non-serving beliefs! 
Use this to help overcome discomfort and bolster your fortitude and ability to make wise decisions.

Hunger Clearing -

Clear Your Set-Point

Use this custom calibrated clearing to over come your set point! Use it once AND each time a new layer is revealed for clearing.

Set Point Clearing -

Anchoring the Energy Flow of Your Creation


A guided activation to anchor your energy for a 120 day period.

Fuck Fear

A Clearing and Activation to quickly redirect your mind as you release the cause of the perceived fear, and tune your frequency to get y back in your seat of power.

Breath Activation


The Truth about TRUST

Stop giving away your power and learn to trust yourself so you can finally truly trust others.

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